My dad had surgery for his bladder cancer and passed away unexpectedly 5 days post-op in Sept '13. Total shock. The hospital was preparing to send him home in the next day or two. Instead, we sent him to the funeral home.
6 weeks after dad died, we had to put down our Charlie dog.
Our baby girl graduated from high school in May 2015. She did go back to school that Fall as a "Super Senior", focusing more on vocational and life skills and not so much on the academics.

Now that both kids are no longer "kids", I was having a hard time claiming the whole "stay-at-home-mom" title. So I got a job last year. My first job in over 20 years! Our local historic theater, which I have always LOVED, hired me as a box office employee. Within a few weeks, I was taking on more projects and bigger projects. And after a few months, I was moved into event planning. Along with being Box Office Manager, my official title at work is Rental & Event Coordinator.
Spring of 2015 Megan went to Prom with her friend Terrance. It did my mommy heart so much good to see her partaking in a typical teenage right of passage! She had talked about going to Prom for a few years, it was a dream of hers, so I'm so glad her dream came true.
After battling for almost 4 years, my Mom passed away from breast cancer July 26, 2015. Her downhill slide happened quickly, for which I am profoundly thankful. I'm so thankful she remained "healthy" for so long, and that when it was time, she went quickly. We buried her with dad (both were cremated).
Since they went to Prom, they also went to Homecoming in the Fall of 2015.
And then again to Prom in the Spring of 2016.
While Megan was eligible to remain in the public school system until she turns 21, which is two more years, we've decided that she is done. Last week was her last day of high school. Now we are facing the "what's next for Megan?" question from everyone. Well, she's going to get a job. We are working with the local agencies trying to find the perfect job for her. It's a long process.
Also, since Dave retired from the Marine Corps and we've moved back home, we've been playing in pit orchestras. And I got a new flute! Here are some of the shows we've played over the last couple of years.
And, my girlfriend wrote a book!!!
(I'm in it!)
(I'm in it!)
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