Sunday, January 30, 2011


Scotttie was my friend.  I met him at church.  He was the organist and music minister.  I nervously volunteered to play flute at the 5pm Mass on Saturday nights.  Eventually, I became one of his "little elves".  Nothing more than a glorified gopher, really.  He'd send me running around the chapel.... "Heidi, go-fer this.  Heidi, go-fer that."  We became friends.  We became good friends.  He bought my kids presents, not only at Christmas & for their birthdays, but also for Valentines and Easter, and treats for the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.  He was a giver.

Because of him, I received a new flute for Christmas one year.  He asked for donations from the choir members and some members of the parish, but he funded most of it.  I was shocked.  Speechless.   It was a very humbling experience for me... that someone other than my family loved me so much.  He was definitely a 'giver'.  He gave his time, his talents, his money... himself.

He was a short little man, full of more energy than anybody else I've known.  And he was passionate.  So passionate.  Passionate about his music, passionate about his family, passionate about his friends... he loved greatly.  And he was loved greatly in return.

This week marked the 5th anniversary of his death.

I can still hear his laugh... it was more of a giggle, really.  And I can still hear the way he called my daughter "baby".  He'd say to her, "What's up, beh-by?"  And the way he'd yell at the Soprano's during choir rehearsal.  *grin*  I think of him so often.  Definitely every time I'm at church.  Christmas time is the hardest for me... oh how he LOVED Christmas.  And he would put so much effort and preparation into the music for Midnight Mass and Christmas day Mass.

I miss him so much.  So, so much.

We prayed for you at church tonight my friend.  Father Jim mentioned you by name, and the whole congregation prayed for you.  I hope you felt it.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, 
even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die..."
John 11:25-26


Bloom Book Club

I think I've mentioned my favorite Christian blog (in)courage once or twice, right?  <snort>
They have now started a book club, which can be found here.... Bloom Book Club.

Their first book selection is by author Ann Voskamp entitled One Thousand Gifts.

I just ordered my copy of the book tonight.
I'd love for you to join me in this book club.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let's play catch up

I've been absent from my blog for a couple of weeks... not that anybody noticed.  lol

I had my top two wisdom teeth pulled about 10 days ago, and I am *finally* feeling better.  I ended up with dry socket.  Again.  Yesterday was the first day that I didn't take Tylenol for the pain.  YEAH me.  The blood clots that form immediately after an extraction are suppose to protect the open cavity that is created when you have a tooth pulled.  They are suppose to remain in tact until the gums finally close up the hole in a week or so.  My clots dissolve within two days... which leaves that empty space wide open and exposed to food, air, water, your tongue... whatever.  And when something gets in there and touches that exposed bone... YOWZA.  It hurts.  I also had to be very careful that they didn't become infected.  That happened to me 19 years ago when I had my bottom wisdom teeth removed.  Again, the clots dissolved within a day or two, and I got dry socket... and then two nasty infections.  All this, one week before my wedding.  It was awful.  I sat up in bed crying on my wedding night because I was in so much pain.  Tooth pain is just the worst, don't you think?

Yesterday I got a phone call from the principal informing me that Megan was being suspended due to fighting.  HUH?  Yep, she was involved in an altercation, that she apparently started, so she has been suspended while it is all being "investigated".  We'll see what comes of that.

I finally applied for my passport this week.  We leave for Ireland in less than 30 days, and I have just NOW applied for my passport.  Yep, cutting it a little close.  I like to live on the edge.  I am now holding my breath until I get it in my hot little hands.

We have finally decided on where we're going after Dave retires.  Even though he has his Master's in Secondary Education, he still has not received his teachers license or certification.  So, we'll go home and stay with mom and dad while he does his student teaching and gets his licensure, and then we'll decide what to do and where to go from there.  Hopefully he'll be hired in the surrounding area at a local high school.  Time will tell.

Oh, and most importantly...

the Packers are going to the Super Bowl.  :)


Monday, January 17, 2011

You are HOLY

I find it hard to think of *myself* as Holy.

      I am too judgemental.

             Too short-tempered.

                    Too quick with a harsh word.

                           Too selfish.

A new post from my favorite blog, (in)courage...  You Are Holy.


Friday, January 7, 2011

A Bump in the Road

So many of my family and friends are experiencing "bumps in the road" right now.  I read this post today, it's from one of my favorite blogs...  A Bump in the Road.  I hope you find it encouraging, as I did.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
 ~Philippians 4:13



Dave and I had a some quiet time tonight, which is actually quite unusual.  He gets home from work between 5-6pm, and he devotes most of his time to the kids... they talk about their day at school with him, Dave and Christopher will go outside and toss the ball around, Megan will sit with Dave and color or put together a puzzle, etc.  We eat dinner.  Megan is in bed by 7:30.  And then Dave helps Christopher with homework, which usually takes a couple of hours.  I don't get time with Dave until sometime after 10pm, which is just about the time when he's so exhausted, he can barely keep his eyes open.  So for us to get some quiet time this evening was really nice.


I think I've mentioned once or twice (*snort*) about how nervous and anxious I've been feeling over his retirement.  Serious anxiety.  And I've been really struggling with my depression, to the point that my Psychiatrist wants to adjust and increase my meds.  (I know this is news for some of you... I battle depression.  I am clinically depressed, am on anti-depressant & anxiety meds, and will be for life... but that's a post for another time.)

So, back to the story...  Dave and I sat down tonight with our calendars and planned out some retirement stuff.  His ceremony date is firm (June 10th), but we were playing around with TMO* dates, check-out dates, etc.  Trying to nail down the exact days with P/TAD*, terminal leave, etc.  He has 104 days of terminal leave & P/TAD days.  Sweet!

We hope to leave here around June 20th.  And then he's on leave & P/TAD for the next 104 days.  He's still considered active duty during that time, which means FULL PAYCHECKS for the months of July, August, and September.  By October 1st, he will hopefully have found a job... but if not, his retirement pay will kick in and we'll still have a monthly income.

And it was then that I realized... WE ARE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.  For some reason I had it in my head that the day we leave VaBeach was the day he'd be out of a job, our money would run out, that we were being cut off, no more paycheck.  Zip.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  I don't know why I was thinking that, because I *KNOW* that isn't how it works.  After 20+ years in the military, I know how this retirement gig works.  I know what happens.   I'm kind of baffled at myself.  I think I just worked myself up into a panic and I wasn't thinking clearly.  *shrug*

Anyway, I had a feeling of complete calm, serenity, & peace come over me when I realized this.  And then I started to get REALLY excited.  

But now I'm just EXCITED.  
And HAPPY.  
And ANXIOUS, but in a good way this time.

Thank you Lord, for helping me to see things clearly!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
~Philippians 4:6 

*P/TAD (Permissive Temporary Additional Duty) - house hunting, job hunting
*TMO (Transportation Management Office) - arranging the days the moving company come to pack us out and load the truck, etc.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Resolutions

I do not make New Years resolutions.  Because I fail all of them by Jan 2nd.  Seriously.

But really, I don't "get" the whole let's-make-major-changes-in-our-lives-starting-on-Jan-1st.  If you want to make a change for the better, why wait until Jan 1st???  Start it on Feb 17th, or May 8th, or August 23rd.  Don't reserve making big, life altering changes for New Years...   If it's important to you, start it right NOW.

Anyway... Here are some tongue-in-cheek "resolutions" for Catholics... New Year's resolutions for Catholics.
(But it's good for all church go-ers, not just Catholics)


Sunday, January 2, 2011

A couple of blogs....

Two blogs for you to check out today:

I love my on-line friend Dorian.
She always makes me laugh...
Here is her latest blog entry....  Seven Quick Takes: New Years Eve.
Do yourself a favor... go read it.  :)

And the second blog to check out today is on (In)Courage... (You) Were God's Idea.
Do yourself another favor... make sure to read this one, too.



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Our New Years Eve was much like our Christmas...
It was quiet, calm, relaxing, perfect.

We spent the day cleaning the house, watching football, and ran a few errands.  I got my picture taken for my passport.  (I actually went to the Post Office to apply for my passport, but today was a federal holiday... P.O. was closed.  I was kind of bummed.  *snort*)

We went to 5pm Mass... Dave was the Lector, Christopher was the only Altar Server, I served for Communion, and Megan cheered us all on from the pew.  :)

Home to order pizza... we laughed a lot while watching America's Funniest Videos.  Megan went to bed.  Dave, Christopher, & I had some friendly competition playing wii... a little Lego Rock Band, a round of golf, a couple games of bowling.  We put together a Green Bay Packer puzzle.  Around 11:30pm we settled in to watch the coverage of the New York festivities.  Megan woke up about 11:50pm, and came out to snuggle with me and Dave on the couch.  So we were all together as we watched the ball drop and rang in the new year.

It was a night for FAMILY.  The most important people in my life.  It was quiet, calm, relaxing, comfortable... and I won't have a headache in the morning.  *snort*

Dave and I talked a lot about what this upcoming year has in store for us.  We are facing a life changing event... our safe, insulated, protected lifestyle is going to change in a major way.

I pray every day for patience and ask God to calm my fears and my nerves.
I ask Him to ease Dave's worries and stress.
I pray that Dave doesn't get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done in the next 5 months.
I ask Him to point us in the right direction... and to help us see that direction clearly.  
I pray that we are able to enjoy these last few months, not get bogged down in all the preparation.
I pray that I am able to take each day one day at a time... to enjoy the day, the people, the blessings He has given me that day.
A year from now I do not want to look back and have any regrets from these last few months.

Please Lord, you know our fears, our insecurities, our doubts.  Please calm our hearts and our minds, forgive us our human tendencies.  You said "Do not be afraid"...  help us to remember that YOU are in control.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your request to God.” 
~Philippians 4:6
