I've set up a CaringBridge site for mom... you can read about her fight with cancer at
Sue Garske's CaringBridge site.

Over the past 6 months I've been questioning if we made the right decision... maybe Dave should have stayed in the Marines? Should we have moved back to Wisconsin? Should we have moved in with mom and dad? Did we make the right decisions?????? But now I know that God was in control and He put us EXACTLY were we needed to be. No ifs, ands, or buts.
I've been toying with going back to school, or finally getting a job. But, thankfully, I hadn't done either of those yet. Right now I have the free time to help mom. I don't have anything else tieing me down... no job, no little kids at home, no other obligations. God saw fit that mom would have cancer just at the right time. Yes, it totally and completely sucks that she has cancer... but it is such a blessing to me that He made sure that we were back home first.
"The secret of learning to be sick is this:
Illness doesn't make you less of what you were. You are still you."
~Tony Snow