Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blessings Unlimited

A couple of months ago I mentioned that I was considering becoming a consultant for a faith-based direct sales company...  I signed up as an Independent Consultant with Blessings Unlimited today.  I am excited and hopeful that this is the "something" that I've needed lately.

It is part of the DaySpring company, which has been around for almost 40 years.  It is one of the largest christian gift & greeting card companies on the market.  I've used their greeting cards and given their products as gifts for many years.

Most of the Blessings Unlimited products have scripture on them...
And this is the verse I'm going to try to live by over the next few months:

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God.” Philippians 4:6


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post Holiday Quiz

This made me laugh.

Do you suffer from UHES?

Read the Post Holiday Success Quiz to find out!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

I love our little, quiet family Christmas's.
I fear this year was our last one.
Does that sound terribly rotten to say out loud?

We spend all day in our jammies.
We don't leave the house.
Nobody comes over.
We do our own thing.
It's so relaxing.

We open our presents.  And then we go our separate ways... someone puts a new puzzle together, someone plays a new video game, someone reads a new book from Santa, someone takes a nap.  It's peaceful.  Enjoyable.  Calm.  Perfect.

Later in the day, we sit down together and play games, or play wii together, or watch a new movie that Santa brought.  We laugh, we argue, we enjoy each other.  Perfect.

This year, it started snowing on Christmas night... and it snowed for almost 24 hours straight.  A beautiful way to end Christmas day.  And the day after Christmas we ended up with over 14 inches of snow... we shoveled, we played, we threw snowballs, we made snow angels, we looked on in wonder as it continued to snow.  And then friends came over, and we ended the day with some game time... we laughed, we argued, we enjoyed each other.  Perfect.



Friday, December 10, 2010

As time goes by...

Dave is officially eligible to retire today... 20 years of active duty service is on the books.
I seriously can not believe it's been 20 years.

In that time we got married, had two kids, survived one open-heart surgery, owned 7 cars, been stationed on four different bases (been shuffled back and forth between two of those bases numerous times), driven coast to coast four times, and we've had 11 different addresses. We've learned to celebrate Christmas while wearing shorts and with the A/C running, the kids have grown up playing in both oceans, we've survived a hurricane, an earthquake, and a wildfire.  And then there was 9/11.  We've met a lot of wonderful people, some not-so-wonderful people, and we've made life long friends.  We've celebrated a lot, mourned a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot, and loved a lot.  We've been so blessed.  It's been an amazing twenty years.

And six months from today is Dave's retirement ceremony.  It's going to be a life changing event... 
I'm nervous, anxious, excited, and scared.  I'm not sure what the future holds for my little family, but I pray the Lord continues to bless us, and that we're able to look back in another 20 years and say it's been even more amazing.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas....

A couple of weeks ago I was excited that we had temperatures in the low 30's...
                I woke up at 5:30am to 25*, with a windchill in the TEENS!  Sweet.

And, thanks to the "Heroes at Home" program sponsored by Sears, we received a $50 Sears gift card.  We went out to Sears, and got Megan a pink winter coat & a pink hoodie.  **She likes pink**  Thank you Sears... it is greatly appreciated.

For the very first time in our 18 years of marriage, we bought a *REAL* Christmas tree this year.  It is beautiful and smells so good.  I can smell it throughout the whole house.  I've always been a colored light person, but we've switched over to white lights the past two years.  It looks so serene... it's very calming.  The outdoor lights are also white, and it looks so crisp and clean.  I didn't think I'd ever be a white-lights person, but I really love them.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Food addiction

I have said for years that I am a food addict.... I am addicted to food.
It's like a drug to me.
I can not control myself when it comes to food.
I will keep eating even if I'm not hungry... even if I'm uncomfortably full.

Finally, scientific proof that backs me up.

Overeating, Like Drug Use, Rewards And Alters Brain
