Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just say NO

This is from a blog I read on a regular basis.  It has an important message that many of us moms/wives/women need to hear...  how to prioritize and figure out what to say no to.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I took the son tonight to buy him some jeans as he had none.  It's getting a little cool'ish here, and it's time to move on from shorts to long pants. 

I sent him in to try on a pair of 32x30... he comes out and says "too small and too short".  

I send him in with a 34x32... they fit him perfectly.  But he's still growing and I know they won't fit him by Christmas.  

So for kicks and giggles, I sent him in with a 36x34, thinking they'd be way too big for him...  THEY. FIT.  *shocked*  That is the same size his father wears.  

My 15 yr old son and my husband can now share their pants/trousers.     

My child is almost no longer a child...    ***sigh***

"Train up a child in the way he should go:
And when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Breast Cancer awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

I saw this in the weekly coupons and wondered if others did the same as me?

I try to support Breast Cancer research whenever I can, to include buying things that are marked pink or have the pink ribbon on it and say "a portion of this purchase will help support breast cancer research...." etc.  

Do you purposely purchase things that are "pink" during awareness month??

"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, 
not reluctantly or under compulsion,  for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7


Coupon time

It's that time of the week... time to cut coupons.

Do you use coupons?? 



I was having a discussion the other day with a friend about shoes.  Her family has a lot of shoes.  A LOT.  Which surprises me, because she is the only female in the family.  Granted, she has a lot of shoes.  Understandable.  Acceptable.  I mean, she is a woman after all.  lol  But what surprises me is that her husband and two teenage boys also have a lot of shoes.  Again, I say...  A LOT.

Anyway, I was telling her that I have just a handful of shoes.  Not very many, really.  Just a couple pair for church, some flip flops, and a pair of tennies.  And then I came home and started counting... when I hit 20 pairs, I stopped.  I have more shoes than I thought I did.  huh.  How 'bout that.

Most of them are sandals & flip flops.  But I also have 7 pair of dress shoes, two pair of tennies, a pair of clogs, and a pair of boots.

This for a person who prefers to be barefoot.   *shrug*

How many pairs of shoes do you have?


Monday, October 11, 2010

100 Days of Holidays

Better Homes & Gardens sends out a daily newsletter starting in September with ideas for Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas decorations, recipes, home made gift ideas, etc.  I've been doing it the past 3 or 4 years, and have always found some recipe to use or a decoration or craft to make.  I thought I'd share it with all of you... check it out, and sign up for the daily newsletter if you're interested.

100 Days of Holidays

And while you're at, sign up for their Daily Giveaways.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Irish Blessing

When the first light of sun -

             Bless you.

When the long day is done -

                    Bless you.

In your smiles and your tears -

                            Bless you.

Through each day of your years -

                                       Bless you.

May you always have these blessings...

A soft breeze when summer comes,

A warm fireside in winter,

And always the warm, soft smile of a friend.


I've spent most of the past four days in bed sick.  You know that fall cold/sinus junk...  with the sinus pain in your entire face, sinus headache, sore throat, sneezy, drippy, runny, body aches, etc.

I'm so thankful that I have such an awesome husband.  He left work early on Thursday to pick up a kid from school, and then taught my CCD class that night.  Saturday & Sunday he let me sleep all day, both days.

I'm very blessed to have such an incredible hubby.

"I thank my God every time I remember you."
Philippians 1:3


Friday, October 8, 2010

Bridge tunnels

This is such a cool picture.  We have a number of bridge tunnels here in Hampton Roads, although I don't think this particular one is one of ours.  It's neat to see a bird's eye view of what we drive through on a regular basis.



I really liked this blog I read today, and I needed to hear it.

I think each of you need to hear it too, as it's not something we hear enough.

You can find it on (In)Courage.... Has anyone told you lately how amazing you are?


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Washington state

Hubby is being considered for a job in Washington state, for the Dept of Forestry.

I'm excited by this.

Calm down.  Yes, YOU.  It probably won't happen.

But it's fun to consider it.   :)



For the past two or three months, I have been kicking around the idea of becoming a consultant for Blessings Unlimited.  It's another one of those home-party businesses, but this one is Christian/faith based, and isn't the type that you see a whole lot of.   It is part of the Day Springs company, which I love.  I've used their greeting cards for years, and have given many of their products as gifts.



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

'Nuff said

I want this plaque. 

 You can find it here.


For those of you who will be joining me on, please list me as the person who referred you.  :)  My user name is  dhkile

Thanks.  :)

It might be a little confusing at first...  but once you get a 'feel' for the site, I'm sure you'll really like it.  You can set up exercise goals, track your daily exercise, track your daily food intake, set goals for the amount of weight you want to lose (or gain), there are tons of great articles to read, you can join motivational groups specific to your needs (I've join groups for depression, high blood pressure, 40+ yr olds, military families, etc.).  And, it's all free.  It's a pretty cool website.  Having to be accountable for everything I put in my mouth is a great motivator.  And seeing my exercise charted out is always another excellent motivator.

Check it out!


Halloween decorations

Got little one's at home?  Check this out...
Easy Halloween Decorations to make with kids...


I've been slacking in my exercise routines.  Okay.  Slacking isn't the right word.  It came to a complete and screeching halt.  For about 5 days.  Zero.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.

What motivated me at 10:45pm tonight to get back on the treadmill?

I was thinking about our upcoming trip to Ireland, and got to thinking about how uncomfortable I'm going to be in that tiny airplane seat for 6 hours if I don't lose some weight.

Hubby and the kids were in bed, and I was getting ready to jump in the shower and join them in slumberland, when I got to thinking about trying to squeeze myself into the airplane seat and suck-it-in enough to get the seatbelt buckled.  And I suddenly had the urge to jump on the treadmill.

And it felt great!!!  :)

I am using to track my progress.
I hope some of you will join me!  :)
(You know who you are!)


Monday, October 4, 2010



      Blogging with pictures.

             Would that be considered Plogging?!

Preparing for Ireland

Passport.  I must get one.  I have all my paperwork ready to go...

Strawberry Milk

So, this must be where strawberry milk comes from...  *shrug*

Here I am

Sooooo... we're a military family, facing the transition into civilian life. After nearly 25 years of service, Hubby is preparing to retire.

I'm so blessed to have been able to stay at home for the past 16 years. Although, it has required many sacrifices. It has meant used cars, trips to the thrift store, no fabulous home theater system, no vacations to exotic destinations... but it has been so completely worth it.

Child #1 will be 16 soon, and he is in drivers ed. (Be *very* scared!)
Child #2 is a Freshman in high school.  And she has Down syndrome.

We are your typical Catholic family (minus about 11 kids! *snort*), and I speak of our faith often. It is a part of our daily lives, not just a one-hour time commitment on Sunday morning. If I tell you I am praying for you, you can count on it. I keep you in my daily prayers.

Hubby and I are both originally from Wisconsin (I like COWS!), and we miss it terribly. We used to think we'd be retiring back to the Motherland, but now I'm not so sure. It's true what they say, "You can never go home again":(

Because I'm totally lazy, this is copied directly from my facebook page:
My husband is my best friend. 
I love books & bookstores. 
I treat myself to a vanilla latte from Starbucks every once in awhile.
I like to play games... Scrabble, Pictionary, Clue, and Trivial Pursuit are a few of my favorites. 
Clowns scare me. 
I am Irish & German.
I enjoy hanging out with friends... especially catching up with those that I haven't seen in a while.
My faith is an important part of my life. 
Mexican food is my weakness. 
I love Sudoku. 
I miss Wisconsin terribly. 
Sometimes I *snort* when I laugh.
I hope to own a couple of horses someday. 
I love spending as much time with my family as possible. 
Guinness makes me *happy*. 
I play the flute... and I'm not too bad. 
I'd kill for my kids. 
I bleed Green & Gold (Go Packers!). 
I enjoy hunting, although haven't done it in YEARS. 
Cinderella is my favorite Disney Princess. 
We are a MAC family. 
I LOVE bacon. (Love it. That can not be overstated!) 
Hubby and I met in the Blue Stars Drum & Bugle Corps. 
Lilacs are my favorite flower. 
I get along great with my parents. 
I am a night owl, and hate getting up in the morning.
When I grow up I want to be a NICU/PICU nurse. 
I hate spiders. *full body shudder* 
I want to visit Ireland
As long as I'm in Ireland, I might as well visit Scotland, too. 
Belgium, Germany, Austria, & Switzerland are also on my list. 
My parents have been married for over 50 years. 
I can hold a grudge for a very LONG time. 
I think peanut butter & pickle sandwiches are yummy. 
Green is my favorite color. 
I was a cheerleader in high school. 
I grew up on a farm. 
Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero. 
I am child #4 out of 5. 
I love the snow, and everything involved with snow. 
There's nothing better than a blizzard... 
....except maybe a big, 'ole thunderstorm.

I am very blessed.

"The LORD bless and keep you;
the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
